Kolme uutta pelaajasopimusta solmittu!

11.03.2022, 11:38

Crocodiles on solminut sopimuksen yhdysvaltalaisen puolustuksen linjamiehen Seth Zinsin kanssa. Zins täyttää JT Graydonin paikan kolmantena amerikkalaispelaajana. Graydon joutui perumaan Suomeen tulonsa työesteiden takia. Nopean Graydonin korvaajaksi saapuu väkivahva Zins, joka ei kalpene kovemmankaan tuplablokin edessä. Crocodilesin nuoreen joukkueeseen Zins tuo suuren määrän kokemusta ja osaamista niin kentällä kuin kentän ulkopuolella tapahtuvien harjoitteiden muodossa. Monipuolisuutensa ansiosta Zins pystyy pelaamaan kaikilla puolustuksen linjan pelipaikoilla ja auttamaan tarvittaessa myös hyökkäyksen puolella.

Zinsin sopimuksen lisäksi Crocodiles on solminut sopimuksen Timi Hietalan ja Anttoni Lampivuon kanssa. Keskushyökkääjänä palvellut Hietala on ollut osa Crocodiles joukkuetta jo useamman vuoden ja hänen suorituksistaan saamme nauttia myös ensi kaudella. Uutena kasvona vahvuuteen liittyy Pori Bearsia edustanut nuori laitahyökkääjä Anttoni Lampivuo. Lampivuo vahvistaa jo ennestään lahjakasta ja nuorta laitahyökkääjä arsenaalia.
Seuraavaksi tutustumme Sethiin hieman tarkemmin. Tervetuloa!

Name: Seth Zins
Age: 24
Position: Defensive End
Playing years: 16 years
Previous teams: Bemidji State University (Beavers), Central Lakes Community College (Raiders), Verndale High school (Pirates).
Best football memory: In college we played at team for their homecoming and we were just not clicking as a team and had some adversity to face being down in score 28-0. We prioritized our weakness and executed the next opportunity. With 9 minutes left on the clock in the 4th quarter we came back and won 30-28.
Best thing in Crocs: The involvement of the community/ fans. Great facilities and coaches.
Profession/ what did you study: Sport management, Human performance
Hometown: Verndale Minnesota
Other hobbies: Gardening, exercise, blacksmithing, reading and learning something new. Hiking, being with friends, Cooking.
Favorite food: Not too picky of an eater. I would have to say meats, seafood, pastas, veggies, and fruits.

How are you?
I am feeling confidently blessed and unstoppable humbly speaking. 2022 has been a rough start with family deaths. This opportunity I believe is now the start of bright days ahead, living their legacy. I have the feeling of good things to come.

Where are you right now?
I am in Sebeka Minnesota, working as a strength and conditioning coach and living on a family farm.

Why did you choose Crocs?
As a player I like the aggressive approach the Defense and offense has to offer. The Coaches, community, and players seem to carry a good attitude and passion to put the team at a championship level standard. I had great experience with communicating during my process to sign. I have heard nothing but good things about the Maple league, culture, and Finland itself.

Expectations of Finland?
My personal expectations are to get to work to win the Maple League Championship and Have fun doing it. I am also happy to learn all I can about the culture and Finland, from exploring, working with the community, building new relationships with who I come in contact with. I am excited to try foods, and learn customs. A deeper part of me almost says to have no expectations and have fun and do the best I can with what I can control personally. I am just overall grateful for this opportunity.

What are your individual goals for next season?
To be the best leader I can be and give all my effort all the time. I would like to learn and apply any knowledge I can to put my fellow teammates, coaches and Seinäjoki in a Championship position. My individual goals as a football player are to be an opposing team’s nightmare. Showcasing a violent, mentally tough style of play maintaining great character and sportsmanship. My goal is to execute everything that is asked of me at a high level.

What are your expectations for next season?
Learn. To have great camaraderie with the team, coaches, and community. I expect great effort and execution of all the goals that are expect of myself and my teammates while maintaining a great attitude and having fun.

Describe what kind of team is Crocs 2022?
The kind of team I see Crocs 2022 is a sleeping giant that will be awakened to reign once again. It is a team loaded with talent and potential with great staff. Let the season speak for itself.

How are you preparing for season 2022?
I am doing something each day to perfect my craft, such as speed and agility, strength and condition, and drills. Mentally preparing for the season with the bar set high. I’m researching the best of my ability to prepare myself for Finland and Football.

Anything else you wanna say to Crocs fans?
I look forward to being a part of your team and environment. I am excited to meeting as many as you as I can. I am open to experiencing and learning all I can. Everyone’s support is appreciated and will be needed to win this Championship. Let’s go Crocs!