Man behind the facemask – Zach Whitehead

07.02.2022, 13:39

Tällä viikolla Man Behind the Facemask sarjassa esiintyy mies rapakon takaa. Zach Whiteheadin viime kausi päättyi ennen aikojaan ikävän alaraajavamman takia, mutta nyt mies on takaisin iskussa ja valmiina taistelemaan Vaahteraliigan voitosta. Muutaman ottelun näyttöjen ja etenkin valloittavan persoonan ansiosta Whitehead oli luonnollinen valinta johtamaan Crocodiles hyökkäystä myös kaudella 2022.

Zach Whitehead
Playing years:
16 years
Previous teams:
Kings College (PA) Regensburg Phoenix (Germany)
Best football memory:
Beating our crosstown college rival in back to back years, and the last win to finish off my college career.

Best thing in Crocs:
The guys on the team for sure. They are hardworking, fun to be around and love football! Also, the organization is very supportive.

Profession/ what did you study:
Communications degree with a minor in Business Management

Wilmington Delaware

Other hobbies:
All sports, I’m a huge TV and Movie fan, also love learning about history.

Favourite food:
Mexican food

How are you?
I’m great, training everyday getting my body and mind in shape to be at my full potential for the season.

Where are you right now?
Hockessin Delaware.

What are your expectations for next season?
1-0 record after week one. Continue to build every week to ultimately get to and win the Maple Bowl!

What are your individual goals for next season: Support and lead my teammates on and off the field. Play at the top of my game all year. Do whatever is needed of me to help win football games.

Describe what kind of team is Crocs 2022?
A hungry team. A team that was unsatisfied with where we finished last season and is determined to change the outcome for this year.

How are you preparing for season 2022?
Training by lifting, running and throwing. Watching film from last season to see what I can improve on. Finally staying with the game by talking with other players and coaches in the industry to stay at the cutting edge of the game.

Anything else you wanna say to Crocs fans?
Moi & Kiitos for all the support last season!
I’m fired up to get back to Seinajoki and go to work with the guys! See y’all in the swamp.

Kuva: Timo Aalto