Man Behind the Facemask – Ruven Pietsch

06.04.2022, 18:12

Seuraavana haastattelussa on nuori mutta silti kokenut saksalainen keskushyökkääjä, joka yhdessä Christian Powelin ja hyökkäyksen linjan kanssa tulee luomaan Crocodilesille uskottavan juoksu-uhan. Pietsch on ansioitunut myös tukimiehen paikalla, jossa hänet saatetaan myös tulevalla kaudella nähdä. Kysyimme Ruvenilta hieman tunnelmia Crocodilesistä ja tulevasta kaudesta.

Name: Ruven Pietsch
Age: 23
Playing years: 13
Position: RB, LB
Previous team: Dresden Monarchs, Potsdam Royals
Best football memory: Winning season in U19 (North division title) and first start in GFL
Profession/ what did you study: Car mechanic
Hometown: Großenhain
Other hobbies: Reading Books, BBQ and spend time with my friends
Favorite food: I LOVE food, everything is my favorite food

How are you?
I’m fine and can’t wait to come to Finland

Where are you right now?
I’m in my hometown Großenhain

Why did you choose Crocs?
I chose the Crocs because I had good talks with Timo and he don’t make wrong promise like other teams. This give me good feeling and I know former Crocs players, these guys told me it’s a very good organization and treat players well.

Expectations of Finland?
I expect a beautiful nature, city and very friendly people.

What are your individual goals for next season?
Give my teammates much as possible support and perform like a real baller

What are your expectations for next season?
I expect a winning season with playoffs

How are you preparing for season 2022?
My prep for season is to go 4x Gym 2x Athletic day and 1 or 2 times hit the field with football work and drills to get faster.

Describe what kind of team is Crocs 2022?
I think we are a young talented team with much effort and act like a real Brotherhood. A strong Unit ready to fight for each other until the last whistle.

Anything else you wanna say to Crocs fans?
I appreciate the Crocs community and can’t wait to see how big the support of the Crocs fans is.