Crocodilesin hyökkäyksen linja vahvistuu!

21.04.2022, 15:43

206 senttinen ja 160 kiloinen Oscar Strömsted saapuu vahvistamaan Crocodilesin hyökkäyksen linjaa. Vasta 22-vuotias, ulompi linjamies Oscar edustaa tällä hetkellä Tyresö Royal Crownsin joukkuetta Ruotsin pääsarjassa Superserienissä ja saapuu Suomeen Ruotsin sarjan päätyttyä. Nuori järkäle on jo toinen ulkomaalaisvahvistus Crocodilesin hyökkäyksen linjassa, kun Maxime Roussel solmi sopimuksen jo aiemmin syksyllä. Rousselin ja Strömstedin lisäksi hyökkäyksen linjassa nähdään kotimaiset Tuomas Hvitfelt, Miguel Mäkinen, Otto Mäkinen, Arttu Saarikoski ja Anssi Hannelin. Kysyimme Oscarilta kuulumisia ja ajatuksia tulevasta kaudesta!

Name: Oscar Strömstedt
Age: 22
Position: OL/RT
Playing years: Going in to my third season with the senior squad
Best football memory: My favorite football memory must definitely be winning the final game last year, finishing an undefeated season with the team. We worked hard and played hard, in the end it all paid out!
Profession: Sales Associate / Studied Information Technology previously.
Hometown: Stockholm
Other hobbies: Gym, Gaming, Electronics
Favorite food: If I have to choose it would be Tacos

How are you?
I’m fine at the moment, thank you for asking!

Where are you right now?
At the moment of writing I am at my workplace, about to head home for the day.

Why did you choose Crocs?
I chose Crocs because I had some great conversations with Seinäjoki management and got the offer to come play after my season with Tyresö in Sweden is over. As I felt I would love to experience playing in Finland it felt like a great opportunity.

Expectations of playing in Finland?
I’m expecting to face off with some tough competition in the Finnish league. I want to just focus on improving as a player and use my time to work hard on that.

What are your individual goals for the next season?
Well my main goal is to get more experience on the field and to become a stronger and smarter player overall.

What are your expectations for next season?
So as I am joining the team during the season is running I’m expecting to adapt quickly into the team and reinforce the offensive line. I’m hoping we can get a lot of experience quickly so we can work as well as possible together on the line. It feels like we have a serious team that can put up with any team in the Finnish league.

How are you preparing for season 2022?
I’m currently trying to get myself to be in the best condition possible for when I arrive. I’m also hoping to get a few games Sweden in so I can arrive and hit the ground running.

Anything else you want to say to Crocs fans?
I’m very much looking forward to see you guys! We will do great things in the 2022 season. I’m sure of it!